Pet Word

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As the name suggests the Siberian Husky is native to Siberia. It was there that they were trained for hundreds of years to pull sleds by the Chukchi people. The Chukchi were a semi-nomadic tribe that used the Siberian Huskies to pull sleds with light loads for long distances, which made them an excellent companion […]

When choosing a dog, it’s important to choose the breed that’s right for you. In order to do that, you need to know the characteristics and temperament of the breed you’re thinking about adopting or purchasing before you do so. The English Bulldog is just one breed among many from which to choose. History/Background: The […]

This Bernese mountain dog is a farm dog, which has its origin from Switzerland. It is popularly called as the Berner. These dogs were able to sustain very cold temperatures, because of their long and heavy coat. As their stature is very strong, they can perform their duties even during the deadly winters. The height […]

Description. Most people have probably come across this dog, or at the least seen a picture of one. Even as a puppy they would probably be described as a medium to large dog, as adults, they are little short of enormous. Normally standing 25 to 27 inches in height and weighing between 110 and 200 […]

 Training your Airedale Terrier to come to you is one of the most important aspects of terrier obedience. It is the easiest command for your dog to learn. It can also be the most frustrating when they do not obey.When your dog is not on a leash, you have no direct control. If he […]

Pet Word